
Tall Ships

@ Helsinki, Oct 08

Suerte es la que tuvimos al aparecer por el puerto justo unos minutos antes de que todas éstas bellezas comenzaran su travesía. Aunque mejor que yo, y mucho antes, las fotografió un señor local que se llama Kari Hakli, cuyo libro-colección de fotos de Helsinki 1967-1977 ya obra en mi poder. Y es una delicia (y produce bastante envidia...)


We were really lucky to show up at the harbour a few minutes before all these beauties started their journey. But some local lad named Kari Hakli took pictures of all these, way better than me. His book-collection of photographs from Helsinki 1967-1977 is in my hnsd already, it's amazing, and makes me intensely envious of his talent...

Canon AE-1 + Ilford XP2S

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